Indigenous survival:
There is a picture (“The Value of Solitude,” Economist, vol. 429, no. 9120 December 1 2018 page 52) of a man taken from a low flying airplane.  The man is running toward the plane aiming his bow and arrow, evidently ready to let fly.  One must admire his courage.  It is not very highly developed anti-aircraft fire.  Alas I can’t say it’s the first time it happened.  Mussolini thought it would be a crowd pleaser if he annexed Ethiopia.  Their king Haile Selassie was so effective that the Italians resorted to attacking men with spears and leather shields by spraying poison gas on them from low flying fighter planes; the Italian Lightning was according to some reports the finest fighter plane of it’s time.  Don’t take all this to the bank; my sources were so old that an element of wartime propaganda can’t be ruled out.  Anyway, if you have an opinion as to whether a spear or arrow is better under the circumstances, your opinion is as good as mine.
The picture is of a warrior of the Sentinelese people, a group of 150 souls on an isolated island administered by India; the official rule is, “Don’t go there, although evidently they fly over from time to time.  Being exposed to communicable diseases could wipe them out.
So when, in throes of pessimism, I moan that under current data, it looks like the whole world will have gone extinct, there is no reason to think that will include the Sentinelese.  If that’s all that survives, well and good I guess, but it’s a pity they have no plausible way off their island after the rest of us are gone.
(Insert smiling, winking face.)

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